We will have small kawakawa and karamu, carex (native “grasses”), and a few bits and pieces for sale during planting season, starting tomorrow, at the Gahnia Grove chemical-free forest restoration site on Glenfield Rd near the petrol station.
Kawakawa tolerate sun or shade provided they have a moist absorbent soil. The leaves are used in home remedies, the berries are enjoyed by birds including kereru. Although they grow quickly, they don’t reach more than about 5m high, and are easily pruned.

We grow all our plants in composted leaf and twig mulch, which becomes full of earthworms. Having consumed the twigs and leaves, most of the worms will have left by the time the plant is available for sale, but the soil is still live with soil flora and fauna. To protect this soil life, pots should be kept cool and moist until planted.
The plants are also available free for our chemical-free landcare customers.
See more info about our garden and forest restoration services at https://northshorewilds.co.nz, or come and have a chat at our plant stand, where we can show you the results of our chemical-free weed control methods for kikuyu, tree privet, Tradescantia and others.